Why is Jett getting Nerfed ??

 Jett has been a major force in Valorant's fabric since the game's launch. She is a representative duelist with incredible mobility and a high ceiling, making her a popular choice among pros and casual players alike.

But its control also became the target of weakness. In Valorant patch 7.04, Riot Games made several changes to Jett's abilities, including:

Tailwind: Sprint distance decreased from 12 meters to 7.5 meters. Winding time increased from 0.75 seconds to 1 second.

Heavy Rain: Smoke for 4 to 2.5 seconds.

Updraft: Players can now use it only once.

Bladestorm: Ult points 

The purpose of these nerfs is to reduce Jet's overall power and bring him to the same level as other agents.

Why is Jett weak?

There are many reasons why Jeter has been such a disappointment. First of all, it is very powerful. He has a high draft and win rate at all levels of the game and can be difficult for opposing teams.

Secondly, Jet's mobility makes it difficult to attack him. The ease with which he can right himself and run away from danger makes him very difficult to deal with.

Three, Jet's last ability is very powerful. Bladestorm allows him to throw blades at enemies with precision and ranged speed, and if it lands on you, you'll be in trouble.

How will the weight loss affect Jett?

The nerfs in patch 7.04 will weaken Jet in general. But it still has many features and capabilities so it will continue to be a popular choice.

Tailwind's weakness will make it difficult for Jet to escape danger and recover. The Rainstorm debuff will cause it to smoke even worse, while the Updraft debuff will make it harder for it to reach altitude. Bladestorm nerfs will make his ult more expensive and weaker.

But Jet is still a versatile agent with great potential. He can also play the role of duelist, cutter or flanker. He is also a very good observer.

Overall, the nerfs in patch 7.04 will make Jet a weaker agent overall. However, it still has the potential to be a popular choice due to its many features and capabilities.

A few more thoughts on why Jett was nerfed:

Jet's dominance made the game less fun for some players. When the representative is strong enough to be chosen in almost every game, it makes the game seem stale and repetitive.

Jet's dominance made the game unbalanced. Other duelists like Phoenix and Raz were eclipsed by Jet's power. The purpose of debuffs is to make other duelists stronger and more competitive.

Riot Games wants to encourage diversity in the team. They want players to feel like they have a choice of representation, and they don't want a manager to be the boss where that's the only option.

Buffs are a controversial issue for Jett; For some players, some think these measures are too harsh, while others think these measures are necessary. But it's clear that Riot Games is committed to making Jett an equal representative.


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